One Wellness: Empowering long lasting life changes

Dr Helen LawalDr Helen Lawal
Dr Helen Lawal
Last week I joined OneWellness at Mowbray Square Medical Centre to begin my new role as a Health and Wellbeing Coach.

My vision is to inspire and empower you to make long-lasting changes to your lifestyles by removing negative routines and behaviours which are detrimental to wellness and creating healthy new routines.

Most of us know how to improve our health. We know that moving more, eating healthier, minimizing our stress and sleeping well is good for both our physical health and our emotional wellbeing but, as creatures of habit, we struggle to make the changes stick.

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This is where I offer my expertise - I work with clients and patients to support and stretch them towards creating healthy new habits with a focus on lasting changes that fit within the context of their life.

Life is busy and often we put everything and everyone before ourselves, neglecting some of our basic wellbeing needs like eating nourishing foods, keeping active and addressing stress.

Prioritising our own health and wellbeing will not only benefit our relationships and loved ones, it allows us to take a preventative approach to disease and ill health rather than waiting for symptoms of mental and physical health problems to develop.

This month also sees the first in my series of three workshops at OneWellness, called OWN Your Health. The first workshop, ‘OWN Your Exercise - How to Move Well’, takes place on May 23 at 6pm, and tickets are available now on Eventbrite.

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We’ll discuss what type of movement is best and give practical tips on how to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle, rather seeing it as another thing on the ‘to do’ list. At OneWellness, we understand that everyone is different; what works for some of our clients might not work for others.

I’m also offering one-hour Health and Body Transformation Breakthrough Sessions at OneWellness, and a 12-week programme called ‘Be A Better You In 90 Days’. Across 12 weeks we’ll work closely together in one to one sessions, either face-to-face, phone or via video (whichever works best for you).

Each week, we’ll focus on different aspects of your health, including exploring which foods and exercise are right for your unique body type, developing a mindful approach to eating, clearing space in your life to help you to prioritise your own health and wellness needs.

You’ll also have access to unlimited fitness classes and workshops at OneWellness, as well as discounted physiotherapy or personal training!

For details about the workshops, breakthrough sessions and transformation programme, call 07496 029460, or email [email protected].

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